Be relaxed and self confident.
Look two ways or make eye contact with drivers.
Walk slowly with purpose.
Never step back.
These are the tips that tourist receive while visitng Vietnam. Instead of discussing resturants, the weather, and art museums, they discuss how to cross the street. The streets of Hanoi Vietnam which were once quiet, have become extremely busy due to the capitalist fervor."We were terroized the first day," one tourist said commenting on the busy streets. Many tourists are terrified of the busy streets and the constant honking. Even though the Vietnam's driving handbook says that drivers must yield to pedestrians, they almost never do. Most people don't even stop at red lights, unless a cop is present. There were 11,000 deaths, and four times that the amount of injuries, caused by car accidents in the past year. The biggest tip of all is to just use public transportation.
Wow. It sounds like just going for a drive or walk in Vietnam is a very dangerous ordeal. They should definately try to implement stricter traffic laws.